Well, what can I say? It's been one week since my last post...are any of you surprised? I am a terrible blogger! Everytime I think I am going to have some time to sit at my computer a load of laundry needs to be done or Cody needs her medicine or it's dinner and bed time for Baby-Son.
I do want to say thank you to everyone who left sweet comments on my last post about Cam's birthday party. I feel bad for not responding...my mother and sister left beautiful posts about their grandson/nephew and I loved them.
I have a little bit of time now because husband and son are sound asleep. Is anyone noticing a pattern here? I blog everytime the family is in bed...hmmm...
Hi Sweet Girl,
There's no such thing as a bad blogger. When you finally have time to wander around other blogs, you're going to discover you're not the only one out there who wants to post something but just.doesn't.have.time.
The main thing is that you enjoy it and I can tell that you do because your posts are always straight from your heart. Don't stess. Just post when you have time.
Everyone keeps checking in to see if there's something new out there from you and we're always happy to see a number next to your blog name in our bloglines. xoxoxo Mom
PS - did we get you set up with bloglines yet? We need to do that. That alone will save you tons of time.
Youre not a bad blogger, as I tell Leslie, youre a low maintenance blogger. One of those that we're able to keep up with by checking in on you once a week.
And of course you blog when everyone is in bed, so do we all, thats why we all have bags under our eyes. Bloggers dont sleep much.
I wish I had a laptop so I could blog wherever...than I wouldn't have to do it when everyone is asleep safely in their beds. :)
Thanks, Mom- you should be happy I am a maintenance blogger since you have to help me ALL the time!
And yes, you set me up with Bloglines two weeks ago and I love it!!!!
Pretty bad that Mom can't even remember who she has set up with what these days...
I, too, and a low maintenance blogger. I have all the time in the world, and plenty to write about. It's just that...well...right now I live with Mom.
Oh, I will make you a killer deal. I will babysit any time you want. Payment? Use of your computer while I babysit. (after Gremlin is asleep, of course).
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