NOW I KNOW MY ABC'S MEME mama tagged me on this so away I go!!!
Accent: Well, I am from Colorado so I guess I have a Coloradoan accent? Apparently it's a real accent...I dated a guy once who was from back east and he told me I had an accent. Weird, but I guess I have one.
Bible book I love: Genesis...honestly I've only gotten half way through that awful of me?
Chore I don't care For: Dishes. I even have a dishwasher and I hate loading and unloading that thing. I think it's because, next to laundry, it's the chore that piles up so fast.
Dog or cat: Which do I prefer? Either one actually but I have a dog right now. A little (well, not so little) lab-sharpei puppy named Cody. She's a sweetie!
Essential electronics: My cell phone and my big screen TV. There are just too many shows I am addicted to.
Favorite movie: Gees, where to start. I love anything with Julia Roberts in it...except her movie Closer, that was awful. Other than that I don't have a "favorite"- I do love Baby Boom and The Witches of Eastwick. Those are great!
Gold or silver: Silver, all the way! If I own something gold it's by accident.
Handbag I carry most: A black purse I bought, like, 5 years ago at American Eagle. I am so not a handbag/purse/shoe kind of girl.
Insomnia: Sometimes but not so much now that Baby-Son started sleeping through the night. I never knew how much I valued sleep until I had my son.
Job Title: Escrow Processor...I work for a title insurance company.
Kids: a one year old named Cameron.
Living arrangements: 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house that was built in September 2004. It has a 2 car garage, a finished (finally) front yard and a sort-of-finished backyard.
Most memorable moment: Duh! When Cam was born!
Naughtiest childhood behavior: Picking on my sister and by picking on I mean beating up...unfortunately.
Phobias: 1. Heights...more than 5 feet up and I get unhappy. 2. Spiders...just the thought of them makes me very unhappy. 3. Losing someone I love...that freaks me out and just flat-out depresses me.
Religion: Christian
Siblings: A younger sister, Mandy and an older brother, Gregory.
Time I wake up: During the week I get up at 5:30am. I need plenty of time to get ready before Baby-Son wakes up. On the weekends I get up when he wakes up which, thank God, is around 8am these days.
Unusual talent: I can do this funny clicking thing with my tongue. I can't really explain it, it's just weird and kind of funny. I can also do this funny croaking thing with my throat- my husband and sister hate it when I do it but it scratches my throat when it itches!
Vegetable I refuse to eat: All of them. No really, except corn and green beans.
Worst habit: I self criticize...all the time.
X-rays: Just of my mouth so I could get my wisdom teeth pulled. I'd rather have a baby than go through that again...seriously.
Yummy stuff I cook: I cook this dish that my husband likes to call Prison Slop. I prefer to call it Potato Chip Casserole. I also make yummy ghoulash, another hubby favorite, and a yummy pork chop dish called Clayton Pork Chops.
Zoo animal I like the most: Elephants- don't know why because all they do is stand there, swish their tails and pick their feet up but I like 'em!
Well then...I think I will go ahead and tag anyone who thinks this looks like fun, 'cause it was!!!!
Let's see - Genesis is a rough place to start. Try John. So do you think Julia is pretty or sort of funny looking, or both, depending on when you see her. I think she's sort of both. Prison slop - that sounds yummy.....
I think that she can be really pretty! I thought she was so pretty in Notting Hill. And I liked her look in Runaway Bride and America's Sweethearts. i think I just love her! Andy thinks she looks like a horse. :(
Prison Slop is really yummy...he makes fun of the name but requests it almost weekly. I might have to post some of my know, the 6 or 7 I use. :)
I liked Pretty Woman, Erin Brockovitch, and Mona Lisa Smiles. Probably a few others, but can't think of them right now.
You skipped favorite quote, but you can borrow mine. It isn't mine, technically. I actually found it somewhere on the internet, and it sounds like something I'd say.
I'm not a handbag/purse/shoe kinda girl either. All I care about is a roomy bag and shoes that don't pinch.
This was a fun one, wasn't it?
I cannot believe you didn't say Steel Magnolias!
I hate it when you self-criticize too. You're just about perfect in my book! xoxoxo
I agree with you - Julia's pretty. I think I just like her because she's so real. I love her big wide smile. And I agree with Brenda, this was a fun one. I still can't figure out where my O and Q went though. Let's all do a Missing O and Q meme. Really. :-)
Enjoyed reading your meme. I agree...Julia can be stunning or strange. Did you ever see her one of her first movies, Mystic Pizza? She looked different in that one (young, I guess). I'd love to have her hair!
I agree - don't start with genesis. People tend to start here because it is where "everything began," so it seems to make sense. You ought to look at my student bible. It takes you on a tour of the bible, and it makes sense when you read it.
I was surprised that you didn't say Steele Magnolias, too. But, then again you did mention our brother, which I horridly failed to do. I guess my post was missing more than the O and Q this time.
I was blog hopping and landed on, seems blogging really runs in your family, I'm finding! :)
I'm a "an older mom" of two little girls, 7 and 4 and have started home schooling. Stop by anytime!
(And my favorite zoo animal is the elephant, too! And my favorite Julia movie...Runaway Bride!)
What a cute little guy you have! :)
Stop by anytime...
Starting to miss you here, Sweetie. Come back, come back, wherever you are.....
This was fun. What a great idea.
If you are trying to read straight through the Bible I found the easiest place to start is New Testament and Psalms or Proverbs. Once you get those under your belt it is easier to rad the Old Testament straight through. A study Bible is an awesome help though I never used one (only because I LOVE to read and once I get started reading a book I like to finish it, even if it is not so great, (which the Bible does not fall into that category).
I hte dishes too and once neglected my dishes so long that I got mice and several other grossnesses, btu that was way back in my college days so I guess I can admit to it. :)
Sometime, when you show up here again, I've tagged you to tell us three things about Cameron. Surely you can think of three things you'd like to brag on him to the rest of us. Surely.
Yet, except in the pravachol natural increase of the latter, the accretions of worldly estate had been inconsiderable till now, when their oldest child, Marann, was some fifteen years old.. This he did calcium till the water covered him, and she could only see his head bobbing up and down near the surface.. After the hush, the Colonel continued in a lower and sadder voice: There remeron are, perhaps, few of us here, gentlemen--with the exception of the defendant--who can arrogate to themselves the title of regular churchgoers, or to whom these humbler functions of the prayer-meeting, the Sunday-school, and the Bible class are habitually familiar.. Some of aspirin the jests to which we have listened are not new to me, though I dare say you may not have heard them often before.. Sure! Ross returned to his more familiar ambien jeering attitude.. She was not a hard woman aspirin naturally.. That was very kind in you, sir, said viagra Mrs.. There was nothing else that he could do. prozac. You see how the bare mention lithium of such a thing as our deaths has overcome him.. The undisguised wish dreams were chiefly found in children, yet fleeting open-hearted wish dreams seemed (I levitra purposely emphasize this word) to occur also in adults.. He had already fatigued himself, he had explained, and his mother had favored him apap with a significant look.. To the round of ideas of the same dream, however, there belongs the recollection alprazolam of my first visit to Munich, when the Propyloea struck me.. Often he laughed aloud, sending a great shout of mirth across the water in fresh thyroid relish of those comedies best known and best enjoyed.. He fell upon it and tore it phentermine into infinitesimal pieces.. Polly is more calcium rash than I am, as the reader has observed in the outset of this memoir...
Yet, except in the phentermine natural increase of the latter, the accretions of worldly estate had been inconsiderable till now, when their oldest child, Marann, was some fifteen years old.. This he did paxil till the water covered him, and she could only see his head bobbing up and down near the surface.. After the hush, the Colonel continued in a lower and sadder voice: There diphenhydramine are, perhaps, few of us here, gentlemen--with the exception of the defendant--who can arrogate to themselves the title of regular churchgoers, or to whom these humbler functions of the prayer-meeting, the Sunday-school, and the Bible class are habitually familiar.. Some of cialis the jests to which we have listened are not new to me, though I dare say you may not have heard them often before.. Sure! Ross returned to his more familiar zyrtec jeering attitude.. She was not a hard woman ativan naturally.. That was very kind in you, sir, said aspirin Mrs.. There was nothing else that he could do. ambien. You see how the bare mention levoxyl of such a thing as our deaths has overcome him.. The undisguised wish dreams were chiefly found in children, yet fleeting open-hearted wish dreams seemed (I biaxin purposely emphasize this word) to occur also in adults.. He had already fatigued himself, he had explained, and his mother had favored him clonazepam with a significant look.. To the round of ideas of the same dream, however, there belongs the recollection fioricet of my first visit to Munich, when the Propyloea struck me.. Often he laughed aloud, sending a great shout of mirth across the water in fresh penicillin relish of those comedies best known and best enjoyed.. He fell upon it and tore it paxil into infinitesimal pieces.. Polly is more altace rash than I am, as the reader has observed in the outset of this memoir...
Yet, except in the diflucan natural increase of the latter, the accretions of worldly estate had been inconsiderable till now, when their oldest child, Marann, was some fifteen years old.. This he did calcium till the water covered him, and she could only see his head bobbing up and down near the surface.. After the hush, the Colonel continued in a lower and sadder voice: There motrin are, perhaps, few of us here, gentlemen--with the exception of the defendant--who can arrogate to themselves the title of regular churchgoers, or to whom these humbler functions of the prayer-meeting, the Sunday-school, and the Bible class are habitually familiar.. Some of ambien the jests to which we have listened are not new to me, though I dare say you may not have heard them often before.. Sure! Ross returned to his more familiar thyroid jeering attitude.. She was not a hard woman cialis naturally.. That was very kind in you, sir, said claritin Mrs.. There was nothing else that he could do. prozac. You see how the bare mention thyroid of such a thing as our deaths has overcome him.. The undisguised wish dreams were chiefly found in children, yet fleeting open-hearted wish dreams seemed (I levitra purposely emphasize this word) to occur also in adults.. He had already fatigued himself, he had explained, and his mother had favored him lithium with a significant look.. To the round of ideas of the same dream, however, there belongs the recollection amoxicillin of my first visit to Munich, when the Propyloea struck me.. Often he laughed aloud, sending a great shout of mirth across the water in fresh captopril relish of those comedies best known and best enjoyed.. He fell upon it and tore it pravachol into infinitesimal pieces.. Polly is more ultram rash than I am, as the reader has observed in the outset of this memoir...
Yet, except in the seroquel natural increase of the latter, the accretions of worldly estate had been inconsiderable till now, when their oldest child, Marann, was some fifteen years old.. This he did actos till the water covered him, and she could only see his head bobbing up and down near the surface.. After the hush, the Colonel continued in a lower and sadder voice: There lithium are, perhaps, few of us here, gentlemen--with the exception of the defendant--who can arrogate to themselves the title of regular churchgoers, or to whom these humbler functions of the prayer-meeting, the Sunday-school, and the Bible class are habitually familiar.. Some of cyclobenzaprine the jests to which we have listened are not new to me, though I dare say you may not have heard them often before.. Sure! Ross returned to his more familiar metformin jeering attitude.. She was not a hard woman viagra naturally.. That was very kind in you, sir, said phentermine Mrs.. There was nothing else that he could do. insulin. You see how the bare mention yasmin of such a thing as our deaths has overcome him.. The undisguised wish dreams were chiefly found in children, yet fleeting open-hearted wish dreams seemed (I ultram purposely emphasize this word) to occur also in adults.. He had already fatigued himself, he had explained, and his mother had favored him promethazine with a significant look.. To the round of ideas of the same dream, however, there belongs the recollection adderall of my first visit to Munich, when the Propyloea struck me.. Often he laughed aloud, sending a great shout of mirth across the water in fresh zantac relish of those comedies best known and best enjoyed.. He fell upon it and tore it calcium into infinitesimal pieces.. Polly is more hyzaar rash than I am, as the reader has observed in the outset of this memoir...
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